Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Shanghai goodness

These pix were taken out of boredom...

This is how bad the smog/pollution is in the middle of the day

nothing like mister softee to save the day

Shanghainese food...yummy..i forget what the dishes were, but i do remember how great it tasted.
Beef stew noodle soup...yummy

Individually wrapped sushi..what a great idea

Corn Milkshake..sounds like a great idea, but it was horrible.

Pork & thousand year old egg Congee at KFC

Tofu something...desert again

Something from Beard Papa...i got in trouble for taking this picture.

I found my last name at the park "Tsui"...cool

Need I say more...

Street vendors full of goodness....

Sesame Almond desert! Yum-O

eric and bailey

This is the picture that always cracks us up. Look at Bailey's crazy looking face....LOL

bailey running like there's no tomorrow

the cone of shame

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009